• How to book?

    How to book?
  1. Select Your Vacation

    Find your ideal vacation based on the type of holiday. We have various options, including group family trips, private and flexible departures, and customized holidays in Croatia. If you’re interested in booking a private or customized holiday, our travel agent is here to assist you.

  2. Reservation Inquiry

    If you’ve decided on the departure you want, just click the ‘Book’ button next to it, and fill in some important information online to request your booking. Or, you can giveĀ  a call at +385(0) 91 316 0000. .


  3. What Comes After

    One of our travel team members will see if your preferred departure is available and tell you the prices. We’ll ask for a deposit, which is 30% of the total cost of your booking.

  4. Share your information

    Next, we’ll need all the details for everyone traveling with you. Also, make sure you have travel insurance before your trip. We recommend top travel insurance companies for the best coverage options

  5. Your Reservation is Confirmed

    Once we get your booking, we’ll send you a complete confirmation and a voucher for all the services. It will have everything you need to get ready for your holiday

  6. Settle the Remaining Amount

    We need you to pay the total amount at least 60 days before you leave. If you’re booking within 60 days, you’ll need to pay the full amount right away.